«On this team, we are all united in a common goal: to keep my job.»
Lou Holtz
Our team is composed mainly of human beings, but also three (mmm… well maybe two) plants and an untiring capsule coffee machine. Each team member brings the best of itself to ensure the common goal, and to provide experience, knowledge and ideas. We are used to think together but not to think the same. The only belief everyone has in common with our team is the fact that «Ten years after» is one of the most unjustly undervalued bands in the history of rock. Other than that, we’re quite different, and we like it that way, it’s good for business.
Apart from these basics, our team shares many features with the teams of other colleagues. Like them, we encourage values such as curiosity, passion, harmony, talent, fun, honesty, energy, ideas, pride to our work, and smart, motivated and creative people.
Working together to offer the best results, we also know that complex problems must be addressed integrating different perspectives. LIKEN CARBON HUB team has worked on hundreds of projects (more than 400), in more than 40 countries covering different scopes, from energy to transport, from agriculture to industrial process. More than 17 years of continuous work in climate change areas are accumulated by each of us!
Nevertheless, we also try to approach things in a different way: